Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nolan is almost 2!

I can't believe Nolan is 23 months old today! Wow! Our baby is such a little man now, getting more and more independent everyday. The biggest change we've noticed in him lately is how impatient be can be. When he's ready to leave somewhere, it's right that second or all out fuss! I'm constantly redirecting and trying to explain the meaning of wait. He also is very attentive to detail. He knows what things belong to each family member (including our parents!) and if he sees something similar somewhere else, he's very quick to say ma-ma's for example. Nolan also loves playing with his matchbox cars and lining them up like a train. Although he can be very messy...he knows how to clean-up and put toys back, throw things away, put dishes in the sink, and take off his shoes when we come inside. Now if I could only keep him out of the pantry and frig. He constantly goes and helps himself to a "snack" or "juice box" whenever he wants. That gets old fast especially when it's not time to eat.

Nolan has also really mastered walking downstairs and barely holds your hand unless the steps are really big. He's also a really good climber, jumper, and dancer!! He loves music! He's not singing the words to a song yet, but I can't wait!

The most shocking thing he does at this age is putting himself to bed at night (says night-night to us and walks to him room, closes the door, and lays down!). We never saw that coming! He does this for his naps during the day too as soon as he's finished eating lunch. Amazing, huh!

Overall, Nolan is still the sweetest, most loving child who is still such a social butterfly and quick to give you a hug and kiss. I can't wait to see him interact with William :) He's going to be the best big brother!

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