Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Doctor Update

Hey guys!
I know a lot of you have been praying for complete healing for the cavernoma on my brain stem. I had a follow-up MRI this morning and met with Dr. Fisher right after to review my results. The cavernoma is still there, but has not changed in size. So praise God for that!

I will see him back in February for my next scheduled MRI. He said if everything is the same at that check-up, then I would see him routinely once a year unless there are any changes I notice with vision, headaches, or numbness. Some of you may know that I did experience numbness & tingling on the left side of my face, in my left leg and foot for several months. However, on May 15th...all of my symptoms went away and have yet to return. So i know God is in the process of healing me, even though the report today was not what Eric and i expected.

If you all could just continue to keep me in your prayers, I'd be forever grateful to you. Eric and I also really need prayer in our decision to have more children with the risks at stake. This is something weighing very heavy on our hearts today with all the unknown effects pregnancy can have on a cavernoma. I'm looking forward to discussing everything with my OB this week and really spending some quiet time with God.



Unknown said...

I found your website because I requested a google alert everytime there is a brainstem cavernoma mentioned on a page. I can relate as I just had one removed in April this year. Am recovering but am already back at work after an incredible journey of 8 months. Will be glad to be of support to you should you need to talk about it/have questions. I keep in touch several patients with cavernomas and also another one who had a brainstem cavernoma removed. We have the best doc here for that. Regardless will keep you in my thoughts adn prayers and do get in touch if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny, I have much sympathy, my daughter Rhiain, 13, underwent surgery on Monday this week here in Leeds, UK, for the removal of a Cavernoma. I am pleased to report her operation, so far, appears to be a wonderful success. Many prayers have been said for her the world over. I too have been googling the word Cavernoma in order to find out as much information as possible. Not a lot is out there for quite a common condition, but almost all I have read speaks very positively about full recovery after operation. If I can help in any way...