Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nommie and Pap-Paw's house

I had a great Mother's Day weekend with my boys and visiting with Eric's family in Laurel. Nolan was spoiled rotten with lots of love and attention from Nommie and Pap-Paw! Eric and I enjoyed some alone time riding around in his mom's convertible and had a lot of fun playing outside with Nolan. I must say the heat is very trying at times when you're pretty pregnant, but I was able to catch up on some extra sleep and propped my feet up a good bit!

Nolan loves driving Pap-Paw's fishing boat in the garage

Nolan loves his new pool & water slide Nommie bought for him to play with in the hot weather

His swim trunks are almost like pants they're so long!!

Daddy decided to jump in the kiddy pool and cool off with Nolan. Priceless!

Pap-Paw bought Nolan's first play fishing pole and practices with him how to reel in a fish

Nolan got lots of new things this weekend...including a 4 wheeler that we couldn't keep him off!

Trying to help Nommie water the plants. He waters his feet instead and then tries to wipe up the water. I have to explain it's okay to spill water outside ;)

Nolan is so quick to jump in my car seat and pretend he's driving

Before we went to Nommie's house on Friday, Nolan fell asleep in his high chair while he was eating lunch. I thought it was so funny! He was worn out from playing with Mommy at the pool that morning :)

1 comment:

Rodney and Mary Ann King said...

The picture of Nolan asleep with his lunch in front of him is too funny! So cute!