Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Turning Thirty

Like most moms my age, most of my days are filled with to-do lists and this ongoing cycle of getting things done from the time we wake up till the time we go to bed. I give and give of myself to my kids, my husband and our home,...rarely carving out enough time for me most days. It happens. My family comes before me and I would never have it any other way, but there are things I often cross off as not important because it's for me. Too often my focus is shifted on everyone else, making sure the kids are taken care of, my husband is happy, dinner is on the table and the house is clean....or at least somewhat picked up!!

In my quiet time alone with God (mostly in the afternoon when the boys are napping) I can sit back, enjoy a cup of hot tea, and focus on where I am. My check point. My mid-day how are you doing chat with God. My hand-it-over refreshment time to nourish my daily walk. Lately, I don't know if it's because I'm turning thirty and about to start the next decade of my life...but my wheels are turning. God has me focused on goal setting. I'm not a dreamer or a visionary. I often set small goals, never anything long-term. There's always a sparked interest, but rarely a full follow-through. My time is often divided, cut short, or interrupted...the joys of having 2 small boys!

However, as my 30th birthday draws near this Saturday...I'm realizing there's a few things I'd really like to do in these next few years. They are just "things" but worth a shot of experiencing or accomplishing. So here goes:

1. To just sit down and make a baby book for each child. I've procrastinated way too long!
2. Run a half-marathon.
3. Pick 1 community organization and volunteer at least twice per month.
4. Adopt a dog for our family (preferably a Beagle) :)
5. Take adult cooking classes with Eric.
6. Go on at least 1 mission trip.
7. Teach Nolan at least 2 bible verses and a prayer he can recite by the time he's 3 years old.
8. Adventure vacation with Eric and no kids!!
9. Disney World with the boys in 2011
10. Napa with friends.
11. Learn how to snow ski.
12. Spa trip with the girls :)
13. Establish a regular date night with Eric at least twice per month
14. Go camping with the boys
15. Try for one more baby (possibly that girl to complete our family) reading hon!!!
16. Take boys to their first "real" baseball game.
17. Bring William to the beach for the first time
18. Stay settled in a home for a least 5 years
19. Go to a few concerts with Eric
20. Take Nolan on his first train ride

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